Don't make goals, make habits!

"Don't be afraid to be different, be afraid of being the same as everyone else." - Unknown
     Although I see that some of my peers have approached this project by first creating the cover, I want to take a different approach. I feel like I need to focus on the content being placed in the magazine first, rather than the cover and table of contents. I can almost compare it to eating a sandwich. The best part is the meat in between the bread. Although the bread is tasty and delicious as well, it is the middle that makes it a good sandwich. In this case, the content on the inside of the magazine is where I feel like I should be placing my focus first. If this approach doesn't work, I will change it up. But for now, I want to try it this way.
    Today's goal was to set ideas for the content of the magazine. I know it is going to be a fashion/lifestyle magazine that teens can relate to and live by. But for the January 2018 issue, what is going to be the meat of the sandwich?
    I first started thinking of topics that remind me of the New Year, as this will be a January issue. The first idea that came to mind was setting goals.
    I know that every new year I set a goal for myself. Last year it was to watch less Netflix. This year it was to eat healthy and lay off the junk food. And of course, both goals pretty much were not followed through by the end of the first week of the year.
    But what if I could create a way to stick to these goals. To make a promise to myself and teach others the same process that will help them accomplish their New Year's goals.
    Maybe the right way to accomplish a goal will be to start small. Maybe it will be to approach goals in steps rather than as a whole. I don't know how yet, but I am going to figure it out. I will make figuring out how to accomplish a goal, a goal of mine.
    My hopes for all of this, is that I can figure out how to accomplish something and share with the world how I got there. I want to inspire others and help others accomplish their dreams, so first I must accomplish mine.


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